Natural Febreze Recipe (2024)

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Replace those expensive, toxic air freshener sprays with this natural Febreze recipe. It’s easy to make with 3 simple ingredients, and you can customize the scent any way you like.

Natural Febreze Recipe (1)

When I see the junk that advertisers try to pass off on us as “pure” or “natural,” I have a fit. Since those terms are not regulated, any manufacturer can slap those words on a package and fool the public into thinking a product is safe.

For example, let’s look at the popular air freshener Febreze. You can spray it in your house, light candles with Febreze scents, even put little Febreze scent “gems” in your car.

Here’s why you don’t want to use any of those products…

Toxins in Febreze

Have you seen the latest batch of Febreze air freshener ads? Their slogan is “breathe happy.” Unfortunately, breathing in these toxic chemicals does not make me happy:


And this is only a partial list–read more at Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Want more tested and trusted natural cleaning recipes? You deserve to have a clean house without sacrificing your health. Check out Natural Cleaning for Your Entire Home and start cleaning safely!

Deception in Labeling

“But wait!” you say. “The ingredient list on the bottle says, ‘Contains water, alcohol, odor eliminator derived from corn, fragrance.’ Why aren’t all those chemicals listed?”

For one single reason–they don’t have to be.

Under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, manufacturers are not required to list all ingredients of household cleaners. This is ostensibly to protect their formulations (I find that odd because bread has all the ingredients listed and there’s no lack of healthy competition there…but I digress).

Besides sounding horrible, why are these ingredients harmful? EWG explains: “Ingredients commonly used in fragrances in air fresheners include phthalates, which make fragrances last longer and are linked to male reproductive system birth defects and hormone disruption, and synthetic musks, which are linked to allergies and hormone disruption.”

There’s no way I’m letting those chemicals anywhere near my family!

It’s easy to make your own natural Febreze, and you won’t have to worry about toxic chemical residue on the baby’s crib–on the dog’s chew toys–on anything at all.

Natural Febreze Recipe (3)

Natural Febreze Recipe


16 oz. glass or plastic spray bottle (I like these)

1 tablespoon baking soda

2 cups distilled water

10 drops essential oil (a single scent, or a mixture. Imagine the possibilities!)


Measure the baking soda into a bowl and add the essential oil(s) on top.

Using a fork, mix the oil into the baking soda. This will help keep the oil suspended in the water.

Put the baking soda/oil mixture into the spray bottle (a funnel helps) and top off with the distilled water. Label your bottle, shake before use, and breathe happy–and safely.

Natural Febreze Scent Ideas

Here are a few of my favorite scent combinations using essential oils.

For even more ideas, check out my book of diffuser recipes–all of the oil combinations in the book can be used to make DIY Natural Febreze.

Wake Me Up

5 drops Peppermint essential oil

5 drops Wild Orange essential oil

Hawaiian Sun

5 drops Wild Orange essential oil

3 drops Ginger essential oil

3 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Odor Control

8 drops Purify essential oil blend

2 drops Lavender essential oil

Blue Moon

4 drops Bergamot essential oil

4 drops Lemon essential oil

2 drops Rosemary essential oil

2 drops Peppermint essential oil

Fresh and Fruity

4 drops Lemongrass essential oil

3 drops Wild Orange essential oil

2 drops Peppermint essential oil

Natural Febreze Recipe (4)

Natural Febreze Recipe

Yield: 16 oz.

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Estimated Cost: $2

Replace those expensive, toxic air freshener sprays with this natural Febreze recipe. It's easy to make with 3 simple ingredients, and you can customize the scent any way you like.


  • 16 oz. glass spray bottle
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 10 drops essential oil


    1. Measure the baking soda into a bowl and add the essential oil(s) on top.
    2. Using a fork, mix the oil into the baking soda. This will help keep the oil suspended in the water.
    3. Put the baking soda/oil mixture into the spray bottle (a funnel helps) and top off with the distilled water.
    4. Label your bottle, shake before use, and breathe happy--and safely.


DIY Natural Febreze Scent Recipes

Wake Me Up

5 drops Peppermint essential oil

5 drops Wild Orange essential oil

Hawaiian Sun

5 drops Wild Orange essential oil

3 drops Ginger essential oil

3 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Icy Orange

3 drops On Guard essential oil blend

3 drops Peppermint essential oil

3 drops Wild Orange essential oil

Odor Control

8 drops Purify essential oil blend

2 drops Lavender essential oil

Blue Moon

4 drops Bergamot essential oil

4 drops Lemon essential oil

2 drops Rosemary essential oil

2 drops Peppermint essential oil

Fresh and Fruity

4 drops Lemongrass essential oil

3 drops Wild Orange essential oil

2 drops Peppermint essential oil

P.S. Don’t throw that bottle of Febreze away. It is hazardous waste (isn’t that scary?) and must be disposed of at a licensed facility. Find one near you at Earth911.

Natural Febreze Recipe (8)

Natural Febreze Recipe (2024)


How do you make your own fabric odor eliminator? ›

In a spray bottle (specifically this one), Amaro combines half a cup of water, a quarter cup of alcohol, and some fabric softener. She says in the video to use less softener for a lighter scent and more for a stronger scent. Then spray on your couch, take a whiff, and enjoy.

Why put baking soda in homemade Febreze? ›

All the ingredients contribute to the deodorizing power: Witch hazel: Sanitizes, natural solvent, gentler than other alcohol based cleaners, evaporates easily. Baking soda: Neutralizes odors/ deodorizes. Antibacterial essential oils: Essential oils can be great for killing bacteria that cause odors.

Does vinegar work like Febreze? ›

It will refresh your fabrics purely using water and vinegar. For this DIY recipe, mix a 50-50 ratio of water and white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle. The vinegar will kill bacteria while the water will dilute any scent from the vinegar, which will disappear once the mixture dries.

What is the best homemade air freshener? ›

Baking soda and essential oils: Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil in a jar. Poke holes in the jar's lid and place it in a room for a natural air freshener.

Does vinegar eliminate odors in fabric? ›

Cleaning expert Cristy Harfmann agrees. If you're wondering how to wash towels or clothes that may have a bad odor, then adding 1/4 to 1 cup of vinegar to the washer during the last rinse cycle will get rid of the scent quickly.

Does vinegar deodorize fabric? ›

Vinegar seems to neutralize odors, leaving your clothing smelling clean. It can reduce odors from smoke, pets, and sweat. Add 1/2 to 1 cup of vinegar to your laundry to deodorize smelly clothes.

What is the best fabric to reduce odor? ›

Opt for cotton, linen and other natural fibres

Dr Van Amber recommends choosing natural fibres in the warmer months. "Especially in summer, I prefer to wear something like cotton or linen," she says. Although those fabrics do absorb water, they tend to be less smelly than synthetic fabrics, she says.

What can I use instead of Febreze? ›

Mix 1 tbsp (17 g) of baking soda with 30 to 40 drops of essential oil. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that removes and neutralizes smells. Simply pour 1 tablespoon (17 g) of baking soda into a small bowl. Then, add 30 to 40 drops of your favorite essential oils and mix the ingredients together.

What works better than Febreze? ›

ProductsProduct LinksEffectiveness
Best Overall: Moso Natural Air Purifying Bag$37 at Amazon5/5
Best for Bathrooms: Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray$8 at Amazon5/5
Best for Fabric Upholstery: Febreze Fabric Refresher$15 at Amazon5/5
Best for Refrigerators: Ellis Harper Fridge Ninja Deodorizer$20 at Amazon5/5
4 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

Is vinegar or baking soda better for odor? ›

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and a fine abrasive, which makes it excellent at scrubbing as well as absorbing odours. As a mild acid, vinegar is able to dissolve mineral deposits, dirt, grease, and grime.

How long will a bowl of vinegar absorb odors? ›

How long will a bowl of vinegar absorb odors for? You can leave a bowl of vinegar out in the kitchen for several hours and it will help to get rid of smells.

What kind of vinegar kills odors? ›

A bottle of white distilled vinegar can eliminate odors, sanitize surfaces, and more.

What is a good substitute for Febreze? ›

Disinfecting Febreze Spray

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer that also helps kill germs and bacteria. Just measure out ½ cup (118 ml) of white vinegar and ½ cup (118 ml) of rubbing alcohol and add them to a clean spray bottle. Rubbing alcohol is also effective at neutralizing smells and disinfecting surfaces.

How do you make chemical free air freshener? ›

By combining 1 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of vodka or rubbing alcohol, 7 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 7 drops of rosemary essential oil, and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil in a spray bottle, you can easily make your own air freshener that will leave your room smelling amazing.

How do you make homemade air freshener smell? ›

All you need is one part vinegar, one part water, a Lemon rind (the more the merrier for scent) and optional rosemary sprigs. Combine all of these ingredients into a spray bottle, shake and leave to infuse for up to a week before use.

What can be used as a natural air freshener? ›

If you want a natural air freshener that you can place in different rooms, try this one. All you need is a small glass jar, bicarbonate of soda, a few drops of essential oil (of your choice- peppermint , laender or orange oils are particularly nice), foil.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.